Hello! Thanks for stopping by here at Two-Wheeled Life. Since you have decided to visit, it’s only fair for me to let you know that this is my first blog post—here or anywhere.

While I have you around, let me tell you what I would like to do here. I love motorcycle riding! I want to share the joy and excitement that I get from riding. I want to share it with other riders, with people who’ve ridden before but have not been on a bike in a while, and most of all, with people who have never been on a bike.

I am not looking to convert non-riders to a new way of life, but hopefully I can open one or two pairs of eyes and help people understand why we bikers are so passionate about our “hobby.” I hope that I can get some help from you other bikers out there, and we can spread the word together.

Tell Your Best Biking Stories

If you are someone who already enjoys riding as much as I do, stop by the Reader Forums page and share your great stories. Post pics of your ride. Tell us about some great charity events or fundraisers going on in your area. Don’t be a stranger, if nothing else, at least just say hi! If you don't ride, take a look around the site and visit the Reader Forum to see what those of us who ride have to say.

I added this video clip after my original post. Sorry, I couldn't help it. I chuckle out loud every time I see this commercial. I just HAD to share!